Sep 11, 2023Liked by Yennie Jun

This is an excellent comprehensive breakdown of the current state of affairs in AI avatars. Thanks for your hard work creating this - the dangers to human partnerships with these services in particular is going to get a LOT more coverage in the coming years, I think.

I'd like to pass this along in my own newsletter (https://dailydispatch.ai) for our readers to check out, if you're okay with that. Thank you again for creating it!

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Thanks so much! Happy for you to share it

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Wow, great article! Gives a comprehensive summary of what's available and going on right now. Thank you for sharing. Wondering how long it will be before our Ai avatars are allowed to act on our behalf in meetings

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Thanks, Will! I agree - can't wait to start using them in the future to take my boring meetings!

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