About my newsletter

Hi! Iโ€™m Yennie, a research engineer at Google Research. I write about novel ways of understanding and exploring the behaviors of AI models across a variety of topics โ€” such as AI bias, multilingual evaluations, creativity, reasoning, ethics, history, and healthcare. I bring my experience and insights from having worked with organizations such as the University of Oxford, OpenAI, the United Nations, and Microsoft.

Note that all opinions in this newsletter are my own and do not represent any views of my employer.

Why subscribe?

The field of AI and machine learning moves extremely fast. It is difficult to keep up and make sense of everything that is happening!

In art fish intelligence, I follow my curiosity and dive deep into topics that I find interesting. These topics may not have been explored by other researchers or have been shared widely with a public audience.

While data exists everywhere in this world, it is the role of the data scientist to tell a meaningful and compelling story using that data. That is what I aim to do in this blog, whether the data be experiments from running large language models (LLMs) or survey data I collected about my own crying patterns.

Subscribing will allow you to have immediate access to my newest discoveries and explorations. I hope that upon reading my articles, you leave thinking about AI, data, or the world in a slightly different way ๐Ÿ’™

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๐Ÿ’™ stories told using ~ art fish ~ intelligence ๐Ÿ’™


Machine learning engineer and AI researcher exploring my curiosity of the world through creative projects